Monday, March 23, 2009

My Economic Advice

At my internship I intern at an elementary school. My internship is basically in the field of education. In California the education budget $11 billion has been cut. In order to compensate for the lack of funding pink slips have been handed out, 20,000 to be exact. My advice to my internship instead of eliminating teachers which will make classroom sizes bigger, do some of these:

1. Eliminate Saturday School
  • My internship has Saturday School for any students that want to come. My advice would be, to save money, stop it. The school during Saturday school has to pay for the staff and the food for the kids.
2. Apply for Grants
  • My school can apply for grants for computers and other requirements too.
3. Promote Attendance
  • I think that it would be good for the school to promote attendance.
4. Fundraising- Bake Sales, Concerts, Talent Shows, Etc.
  • I know that the fund raising wouldn't really pay for a teachers salary or anything big but the money could go towards replacing a broken computer, new playground equipment, new books, etc.

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