Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reflection Take Three

For this project each student was supposed to incorporate something they learned from internship and morph it into something that could be put into the magazine we were to make. Students were to do photo essays, interviews, or editorials. I had my internship at Cherokee Point Elementary chosen for me so I chose to write an article about the risk I took having my internship chosen for me since it wasn't an issue that was being addressed in others writing.

When I think about my writing in this project what I think I learned is how to cut the useless information in my writing, make it a concert not a pancake, an intro can capture or lose the reader and to always keep it simple.

In my first draft of my writing I had a lot of useless information that wasn’t even necessary.

To graduate in the High Tech High Village you are required to have completed an internship. We do our internship in 11th grade. Internships are required because they give you a little preview of what its like in the real world doing something you possibly would like to pursue in the future. The internship coordinator sets you up with an internship, or you find your own. I was constantly told to get your own internship because you know yourself better than the internship coordinator and you know what you yourself like.

This was a whole paragraph that I had dedicated to talking about how internship works. With more and more critiques I took the whole paragraph out.

Another rule that I learned ,that I think was the coolest, was ‘Concerts not Pancakes’ which basically means Start the writing good have it good through out the writing and end it good, just like a concert. Don't make it like a pancake, having it start good and having it end bad. I tried my best to make my writing like a concert and I think that I succeeded in doing so.

The final but most important thing that I learned with my writing is that the intro can capture or lose the reader. I’ve known this for a while but with this article I was much more aware of it. I was more aware due to the fact that there was going to be about 50 other articles that were about their internship and I wanted my writing to capture the reader and not just have them flip past it.

I learned to keep it simple when it came to my writing in the sense that I should keep the words simple because big words can sometimes confuse people, I know they confuse me sometimes. There’s also no such thing as too much editing and when it comes to the layouts keep it simple .

How I learned these different techniques were through the different critiques that we had and listening to the different podcasts that Randy recommended.

Learning all of this was important because I learned new techniques that I can use in my senior year when it comes to writing and using InDesign.

What I think that I can still improve on is working on the structuring of my writing.
I think that the paragraphs could be moved around a little bit more so that I can make it flow smoother and better. I think what will help me improve next time is having someone who wouldn't even know about the writing thats assigned read it and just give me some feedback as to what they like and what they don’t like. I think this because the feedback would be more helpful because I don't think that they would hold back.

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