Thursday, October 9, 2008

1.The Charleston, Illinois debate was focused around whether or not the senator candidates were for equality of whites and Africans and slavery. Stephen Douglas was for whites having all the rights. Douglas said, I say that this Gavernment was established on the white basis. It was made by white men, for the benefit of white men and their posterity forever, and never should be administered by any except white men. Lincoln said “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people.”

2. My initial thoughts on the first presidential debate were that it wasn’t all that exciting. I had expected it to me more exciting but it wasn’t really like WOW. I don’t think that anyone won the debate. I do think though, that Obama made more sense with what he was saying and with what needed to be done, for instance, when the question that came up that was, As president, as a result of whatever financial rescue plan comes about and the billion, $700 billion, whatever it is it's going to cost, what are you going to have to give up, in terms of the priorities that you would bring as president of the United States, as a result of having to pay for the financial rescue plan? Obamas answer was that he knew we that we weren’t going to be able to do everything because of the $700 billion bailout. So instead of saying what he would cut back on he answered with what we would not get rid of. He started out by saying that we need energy independence so he has put a plan forward to make sure that in 10 years time we will have freed ourselves from dependence on Middle Eastern Oil and to do that we would need to start more production here at home but mostly invest in more alternative energy like solar, wind, and biodiesel. He will fix our health care system since it’s a mess, people are going bankrupt cause of it and the third thing being that we need to compete in our education invest in science and technology and make sure our children are keeping up in math and in science and to make college affordable for every young person here in America. McCain just says that we need to cut spending and to do that we need to examine every agency of government. He brings up examples of the past spending like how we built a little ship called the Littoral Combat Ship that cost $140 million and actually ended up costing $400 million and it’s still not finished. I think that Obama made more sense here because he reassured people that he wouldn’t cut back on these things while McCain just said he would cut spending.

In the vice presidential debate I thought that no one really made a great point but if I had to choose I would choose Biden because he answered the questions clearly unlike Sarah Palin. Palin even said, "I may not answer the question the way you want to hear, but I'll talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record".

In the second presidential debate I didn’t really like. I like the formal way instead of the towns hall-style, more because it just seemed like they were giving one of their speeches. There wasn’t really anything new that I had heard.

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