Thursday, November 6, 2008

11.5.2008 Part One Blog - Election Reflection

How do you feel about the elections?
· At first when I heard Obama won I was kind of scared, I don’t know why I was scared but I just was. But since then it has sunk in and I think that Obama is going to make a great president. I was a little mad that they passed prop 8 because gays should have equal rights. I could see why most would want to pass prop 8, which is because off their religion. A good example that I saw on the internet was that what if gay marriage was allowed and a gay couple wants to get married at a church the church couldn’t deny them their right to marry there since it’s a law and allowed. I could see why some wouldn’t want to pass prop 8 which is that it eliminates equal rights.

What are your hopes for America and your community in the next few years?
· I hope that the U.S. will be back to its great self and that it won’t get worse. I hope that as a state when prop 8 comes again, that is if it does, that it won’t be passed because its discriminatory. I just think that it should be equal right. One thing that I wouldn’t really care if it gets passed or not is the train prop, if it gets passed great if not than oh well we still have the Amtrak.

What are your concerns for America and your community for the next few years?

· My concerns for this country over the next few years is that wall street wont go up and that we will stay in the economic crisis that we are.

What have we done well as a class to build your understanding of current events?
We just have gone over current events a lot and have discussed it a lot and looked at the different view points of many topics, I feel that I understand this more.

What can we improve as a class (or you as an individual) to better build your understanding of current events?
I think that maybe we could review every week or something like that so everything would be fresh in the brain every week.

How do you feel in the numerous conversations about current events that take place outside of class?
I felt that I was supposed to have a side. I felt that I was to either have supported McCain or Obama but I really didn’t know whose side I wanted to be on. I understood what each candidate I stood for I just didn’t know which one would be better for the U.S. I guess that’s why I was scared when Obama won, because I didn’t have a side. I think that if McCain would’ve won I would’ve been scared.

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