Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blog #19

In this article Orlando Patterson talks about how youth are of equal importance, along with African Americans and woman, during this presidential election. Youth have had a strong voice during this election more than any other election. The legal voting age being 18 wasn’t always 18, it used to be 21. It was that you had to be of 21 years of age so that you could vote but it was Richard Nixon who lowered the voting age in 1971 to 18 years old.

According to the Gallup Poll daily tracking taken in Oct. 20, 2008, voters 18 to 29 years of age preferred Obama, 62%, to McCain, 34%. This article talks more about the youth voting.
I think that the youth felt that they needed to be heard and that this was the right election for them to be heard since there is so much change with the Obama being the first African-American candidate and a women running for president too, they want their opinion on all this change to be heard.

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