Thursday, December 4, 2008

Blog #24

The three literary techniques that I found in Neptune’s Navy: Paul Watson’s wild crusade to save the oceans that I might want to use in my paper is context, point-of-view, and theme.

Context is a literary technique that uses social/historical background, time and place surrounding a given situations. Raffi Khatchadourian uses this in page 1 paragraph 3. “There are a number of rules belonging to civilization that outrage his sense of morality, among them the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which asserts that sovereign states alone are the ocean’s enforcers.” Raffi uses it to explain the rules of slaughtering whales and when they were enforced. Raffi uses this technique through out the paper and I think it makes his points stronger. I want to use this in my reviews for the beaches because I want to give my reader some background info on the beach so they know more about that specific beach.

The next technique that I found was point of view. The article is in third person. I think that in my review I would use this but I would use first person as if I was actually talking to the person reading the beach review and saying this is what I think about the beach.

The third technique that I found was theme. The theme that I found in Raffi’s was
“They belonged to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, a vigilante organization founded by Paul Watson, thirty years ago, to protect the world’s marine life from the destructive habits and the voracious appetites of humankind.” In paragraph 1. In my beach review the theme will be beaches, of course.

Context, Literary Devices." Mr. Braiman's English Online. 5 Dec. 2008 .

Point of View, Literary Devices." Mr. Braiman's English Online. 5 Dec. 2008 .

Theme , Literary Devices." Mr. Braiman's English Online. 5 Dec. 2008 .

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