Thursday, January 8, 2009

GWB & the Environment Blog

Lets face it George Bush most likely won't be missed, he hasn’t really done much to be thanked for and now with Obama coming in it'll be a fresh start. In the article "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" author Katharine Mieszkowski focuses on the bad things that Bush has done throughout his two terms that he served and she states Obama's mission and how he will fix Bush's mistakes. In the article "Bush to Protest Three Areas in Pacific" it focuses on how Bush is now creating three new marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean. The article focuses on how Bush is now to have protected more ocean than any person in the world and how he's trying to leave his seat in office with at least doing one memorable thing.

In the "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" and in the news story of "Bush to Protest Three Areas in Pacific" they both acknowledge how George Bush has resisted to making greenhouse gas emission reductions. "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" focuses more on making him look bad for it and "Bush to Protest Three Areas in Pacific"

Also in "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" it was said "Not once during the Bush administration has the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service voluntarily sought to list a species as endangered or threatened, offering it more protections." In" Bush to protest three areas in pacific" it states," President Bush will create three new marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean today, according to his top aides, a move that will help preserve sprawling sea and island ecosystems"

The "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" article was made November 8th 2008 and the "Bush to Protest Three Areas in Pacific" was January 6th 2009. Considering that the "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" article was made before, but even if the article was made when this new information of Bush creating three new marine national monuments in the Pacific Ocean was released, I think that the "Bush's Seven Deadly Sins" would still focus on the bad and say how Bush is trying to make up for his faults with this but I don’t think that they would thank him.

1 comment:

StephSantiago said...

what i noticed about this blog was that the thesis mainly causes on the 7 deadly sins article more than the other one which talks about how Bush is saved major parts of the ocean.
one of the stronger points they focused on was mentioning how the environmentalist or anybody for that matter should thank him for what he has done, since it is almost like he is making up for all the terrible things he has done over the past eight years.
-Jonathan Aguila