Friday, January 23, 2009

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan is the 40th president of the United States 1981-1989. I chose to focus on the relevance of Ronald Reagan's inaugural speech to the current financial crisis and the Bailout due to their contrasting ideas. Reagan’s ideal government was one that Americans were not so dependent on but rather independent and now with the financial crisis and the bailout it is hard to not be dependent on the government since most are depending on the government to fix the current situation

These two quotes from Reagan’s Inaugural is what made me realize that Ronald Reagan's goal was to try to put a limit on the government and to get the government to work with the people.
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."
”Now, so there will be no misunderstanding, it's not my intention to do away with government. It is rather to make it work--work with us, not over us; to stand by our side, not ride on our back
I think that this relates closely to the bailout because it reminds me of how now it’s the opposite right now of what Reagan would’ve wanted. We are depending on the government due to the fact there is a financial crisis that’s going on and now we are depending on the government to do the right thing with the bailout money.

The government hasn’t really spent any money on the homeowners. Homeowners are doing badly in this financial crisis and they aren’t really getting any help from the government. From the article that I read it stated this,
"Congress meets next week to decide whether to dole out 25 billion dollars or more to the auto industry, and maybe craft a bill to assist the unemployed and create jobs. But there is no congressional plan on the table to assist homeowners. Congress may then recess until January.
Ronald Reagan didn’t want it to be this way; Reagan wanted it to be so that the government worked with the people as said in his speech, “We are a nation that has a government--not the other way around.”

“The Senate already approved the release of the $350 billion before President Obama was sworn into office, making a House vote unnecessary" With the bailout they recently approved for Obama to be in charge of the rest of the remaining bailout money. It is now up to Obama to spend the remaing $350 billion in a way that he thinks will be best for America.

1 comment:

Jake Neighbors said...

1)There is a lot of quotes in the blog. Mainly consuming roughly one third of the whole blog. There is a lot of content, but it looks small probably compared to the rest of the blogs.
2)The writing is very strait forward, it proves th point very well between the tie of Ronald Regan and Obamas new mission to financial crisis.
3)I success trying to wander off from the quotes, quotes are ment to help you prove your point not make your point.
4)Where are the citations?