Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Photo Essay: Internship Photo Essay

What is Cherokee Point?
I intern at Cherokee Point Elementary. Cherokee Point Elementary is about 4 years old and located in City Heights. This new school has a total of 700 students, Kinder through fifth, 32 classrooms and stands on 6.7 acres of land. The new school was approved as Proposition MM November 3, 1998 and started being built March 25, 2004. The name Cherokee Point was given to the school due to the fact that the surrounding streets of the neighborhood area create the shape of an arrowhead. It was built to stop the overcrowding in the elementary schools nearby such as Adams Elementary, Birney Elementary, Carver Elementary, Clay Elementary and Central Elementary. The school officially opened September 6, 2005.

Beginning of my day
My main location , at Cherokee Point , is the library/media room. My job in the library/media room is to check books in and out, put books away, help kids find books, and some other tasks. I find putting the books away quite boring but sometimes fun. I find it boring because I have to put them back. This can take awhile but I do find it fun because I usually end up finding some cool books to look at. My favorite job to do is, to check books in and out. I find checking them in and out fun because I get to use the scanner and I get to interact with the kids more. I also enjoy helping the kids find their books because I, again, get to interact with the kids. When I don’t have anything to do, my mentors busy or I’m done with my work; I usually just grab a book from their large selection.

My Project
At Cherokee Point they have computer carts, which go between classes in the certain grade levels. The computer carts carry 20 Apple iBooks. Some teachers weren’t really happy with the movement of them because some weren’t getting the computers that often. The solution to this problem was to give two computers to each teacher from grades kinder to 3rd. For this redistributing of computers two computers carts, a total of 40 computers, and had to be distributed to 18 teachers. This was my project; I handled the computers over the two weeks, one computer cart for each week.

Beginning the project
When it came to redistributing the computers it wasn’t just getting them and pass them out. The first day starting my project I had to do software upgrades, Firefox upgrades, and Adobe Reader upgrades. For twenty computers this took me 2:30 hours. After computer upgrades I had to erase student files such as, word documents, Power Points, pictures, music, movies, etc. Erasing took me from about half an hour. After deleting the documents I had to install the printers so that the printer installed on the computer matched the printer in the classroom that it was going to this took me about 45 minutes. After I finished installing the printers I stopped working on them for the rest of the day and helped with other tasks.

End of the Project
The second day, my project involved entering the computer info onto a computer application called Horizon. With Horizon I assigned each computer a specific barcode number. This took me about 3 hours, due to the fact that I had to make sure that all information was right. After I was finished with barcodes I had to clean the computers so that they looked close to brand new. This took me from 11 to about 1. While I cleaned them I had to label them with their barcode so where the green dot is, is where the new barcode was placed. The third day was when I cleaned and labeled the chargers and passed out the chargers. This was the first computer cart on the first week. The next week I did finished in three days but I also did so much more besides this project.

Music Class
The second week I got to do more than just working in the library and with the computers. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I joined in on a music class and I also helped the music teacher out a bit. The days that I went there were different grade levels. Kindergarten, of course, was just simple dancing and singing, 3rd grade was practicing their recorder and some dancing and 5th grade was doing rehearsals for a program they have coming up. I enjoyed going to help out, observe and participate in music class especially with the kindergartens because they taught me some songs and dances. In the picture above I was sitting in on the third grade class taking pictures of them practicing their recorders, this is one of the pictures that I took. I also observed a first/second grade class in which I am basing my next project on. My next project is a combination of my honors project and my internship project. I will be creating a children’s book for this class.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What I'm bringing to the Magazine

What are you bringing to the Magazine?!

1. What article(s) would you like to write for the magazine? What photography could you contribute? Art? List three different ideas for your major contribution.
  • I would like to do an article about how its not totally bad if Law picks your internship. I would like to do this because I hear so much about how horrible it is if you have your internship picked for you but I had mines picked for me and I love it. I can add some of my photos from my photo essay onto it or I could possibly just take new ones
  • My mentor interview or my photoessay.
  • If no one else is doing this then I'd like to produce an interview of those who picked their own internship against those who had theirs choosen for them.

2. Suggest at least one (or more) possible title for the magazine. This could be a title with or without a subtitle. For example, I work for UnBoxed: a Journal of Adult Learning in Schools.

  • HTHMA: High School Internship Experiences

3. Suggest a topic for an article that you were personally like to read in a magazine inspired by the internship semester.

  • I would like to read about different internship experiences and how they dealt with awkward situations, stressful situations and other situations that they've never dealt with before.
  • All this semester we've been asked 'What does the world of work mean to you?' so I think that the magazine should answer that question somewhat.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Economic Advice

At my internship I intern at an elementary school. My internship is basically in the field of education. In California the education budget $11 billion has been cut. In order to compensate for the lack of funding pink slips have been handed out, 20,000 to be exact. My advice to my internship instead of eliminating teachers which will make classroom sizes bigger, do some of these:

1. Eliminate Saturday School
  • My internship has Saturday School for any students that want to come. My advice would be, to save money, stop it. The school during Saturday school has to pay for the staff and the food for the kids.
2. Apply for Grants
  • My school can apply for grants for computers and other requirements too.
3. Promote Attendance
  • I think that it would be good for the school to promote attendance.
4. Fundraising- Bake Sales, Concerts, Talent Shows, Etc.
  • I know that the fund raising wouldn't really pay for a teachers salary or anything big but the money could go towards replacing a broken computer, new playground equipment, new books, etc.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Internship Immersion

What did you learn during immersion? How did you learn it?
What I learned at my internship is how to manage my time properly. I had to do a project in the span of two weeks, the total immersion time, and I had to upgrade 20 computers, install printers on all twenty, put information from the computers on the Horizon system and barcode all of them so that when they were checked out they had a barcode, then I had to clean them. I had to do this twice twenty computers fo each week and it took me three days to do one cart and three days to do the next. I was so proud of myself when I finished this project I was proud because I finished this project on my own time. I also learned that when my mentors gone and theres kids I'm in charge and that they have to listen to me and I can get them in trouble,a certain class doesn't think so. The most important thing that I learned is that I definitely want my future career to be in education whether its a teacher or a school psychologist. I do know though that I either want to work with kinder, first or high school students though.

How important were the following at your internship site: profit, social welfare, advertising, promotion, industry, markets, economics, politics, information and specialization? You can write about some or all of these--whatever is best for your internship site.

Economics was important at my internship and has been a current issue. This is a current issue because I work at a school and recently in California $146.7 million deficit in next year's San Diego school district budget and a way that the district is dealing with this is by issuing pink slips. So far pinkslips have been issued to 26,500 teachers. My mentor is a librarian/media teacher and since she is not a regular classroom teacher her job might be at risk.

During internship my project also was afftected by the school budget which was effected by the economics. My project was to take two computer carts with twenty computers in each and give two computers to 18 teachers ranging from kinder to 3rd. If the school budget wasnt so limited right now we couldve bought more computers for the classrooms instead of the classrooms only having two computers. I also got to sit in on a staff meeting where the school budget was discussed and how limited it is.

During the course of my internship this topic has really interested me and I would like to look deeper into my internship's school budget and how it fits into the overall San Diego School District Budget. I think that I can look more into it with my honors project.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Honors Blog: The Island of Dr. Moreau

What physical presence does the character have? Include height, weight, size, physical fitness, posture, etc.

  • In the book “The Island of Dr.Moreau”, he is described as a mischapen man, short, broad and clumsy with a crooked back.

Describe the characters further visual details. Include hair, eyes, face, teeth, scars, tattoos, etc

  • M’Ling is described as having black thick coarse hair, big white teeth, bloodshot eyes and hazel pupils and a face that is projected.Later in the book what concerns Edward Prendick is that M’Ling has pointed ears that have fur on them before he thought it was just his black stringy hair that covered his ears but it was actually the hair on his ears.

What distinguishing items does the character wear? Include clothes, jewelery, shoes, and any other physical item the character keeps with him/her.

  • The character is described in the beginning as wearing dark-blue serge.

What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.

  • M’Ling does seem to be cowerdly, and devoted to his master, Montgomery.

What is the characters role in society? Include his/her job, hobbies, and uses of time.

  • What M’ling’s job is, is to be Montgomery’s assistant. I think the purpose of having M’Ling in the book is to have the reader esee the reaction of Edward Prendick when he encounterd his first meeting of one of Dr. Moreau’s creation.

What is the character's religion or philosophy? What beliefs does he/she hold? How does this create or mitigate internal conflict within his/her psyche?

  • M’ling just does what Montgomery tells him to do. M'ling defends montgomery and just basically has his back if something goes wrong

What do others in the book say about the character?

  • Montgomery is sometimes friendly but also sometimes he is somewhat mean to him. Monreau is the one that created him, he was one of the first made. Prendick is very suspicious of him and curious as to what he is.

What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?

  • I didn't really think that he had any connection or history of anything else that goes beyond the story of the book

What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?

  • Well his name is M'ling but I don't know why H.G Wells chooses that name but it does seem to be just an odd name for an odd character.

How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

  • This character doesn't change in appearance but through out book as we learn more of him we learn that he takes orders and that he listens to Montgomery. In the end he does die while defending Montgomery.

What physical presence does the character have? Include height, weight, size, physical fitness, posture, etc.
  • When Monreau is first introduced in the book he is described as having broad shoulders.

Describe the characters further visual details. Include hair, eyes, face, teeth, scars, tattoos, etc.

  • Monreau has white hair, fine forehead, eyes that had droppy lids and the fall of his heavy mouth in the corners gave him an aging look.

What distinguishing items does the character wear? Include clothes, jewelery, shoes, and any other physical item the character keeps with him/her.

  • The character is introduced as wearing a blue serge.

What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.

  • The behavior of Monreau is that he doesn’t seem to like Prendick there in the beginning, he wasn’t supposed to be there.

What is the characters role in society? Include his/her job, hobbies, and uses of time.

  • The characters role in this book was to make the animals into men.
What is the character's religion or philosophy? What beliefs does he/she hold? How does this create or mitigate internal conflict within his/her psyche?

  • Monreau believes that animals can become men and that’s what he trys to accomplish.
What do others in the book say about the character?
  • In the beginning Prendick doesn’t know that the white haired man that he saw Montgomery talking to was Monreau, but later on when he does find out he is concerned with the strange mysteries of the island and its inhabitants.
What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?
  • I think the character, Moreau, is just meant to for the purpose of the book and nothing else of it.

What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?

  • The characters name, Dr. Moreau, obviously suggests that he is a doctor. Moreau possible comes from the last name of Gustave Moreau, whose main focus as a painter was illustrations of biblical and mythological creatures.

How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

  • The character in the beginning is hesitant in having Prendick their coming along with them on the island but then gets used to him. Later in the book we learnm that when Moreau was working on an animal it attacked him Moreau follows after him shortly after with a revolver. Later we learn that Moreau has died.

1. What physical presence does the character have? Include height, weight, size, physical fitness, posture, etc.

  • Montgomery is seen as quite large with long limbs.

2. Describe the characters further visual details. Include hair, eyes, face, teeth, scars, tattoos, etc.

  • Montgomery is described as being a flaxen haired man, a nether lip and irregular teeth.

2. What distinguishing items does the character wear? Include clothes, jewelery, shoes, and any other physical item the character keeps with him/her.

  • Montgomery loves to drink liquor.

3. What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.

  • Montgomery loves to drink brandy and have it near he also has a lisp.

4. What is the characters role in society? Include his/her job, hobbies, and uses of time.

  • Montgomery seems to make sure that all the animals are in check and that Prendick doesn’t wonder off. Basically I see Montgomery doing all the stuff that Moreau doesn’t do.

6. What is the character's religion or philosophy? What beliefs does he/she hold? How does this create or mitigate internal conflict within his/her psyche?’

  • I think that Montgomery believes that these animals serve a higher purpose.
    What do others in the book say about the character?
    Montgomery is described by Prendick as having a bad temper when pushed over the edge.

8. What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?
I believe that this character is nothing but a character in this book9. What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?

  • The characters name suggests, to me, that he is sophisticated.

10. How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

  • The character turns from being very secretive of what he knows to being very open with Prendick about what he knows. Montgomery eventually dies at the end

The patterns that I know about each character is that they are all together and that they are close. Dr.Moreau is the mastermind, Montgomery is his assistant, and M’Ling is Montgomery’s assistant. The conclusions that I get from this is that they were working for a while together and that they seemed to trust eachother.