Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Internship Immersion

What did you learn during immersion? How did you learn it?
What I learned at my internship is how to manage my time properly. I had to do a project in the span of two weeks, the total immersion time, and I had to upgrade 20 computers, install printers on all twenty, put information from the computers on the Horizon system and barcode all of them so that when they were checked out they had a barcode, then I had to clean them. I had to do this twice twenty computers fo each week and it took me three days to do one cart and three days to do the next. I was so proud of myself when I finished this project I was proud because I finished this project on my own time. I also learned that when my mentors gone and theres kids I'm in charge and that they have to listen to me and I can get them in trouble,a certain class doesn't think so. The most important thing that I learned is that I definitely want my future career to be in education whether its a teacher or a school psychologist. I do know though that I either want to work with kinder, first or high school students though.

How important were the following at your internship site: profit, social welfare, advertising, promotion, industry, markets, economics, politics, information and specialization? You can write about some or all of these--whatever is best for your internship site.

Economics was important at my internship and has been a current issue. This is a current issue because I work at a school and recently in California $146.7 million deficit in next year's San Diego school district budget and a way that the district is dealing with this is by issuing pink slips. So far pinkslips have been issued to 26,500 teachers. My mentor is a librarian/media teacher and since she is not a regular classroom teacher her job might be at risk.

During internship my project also was afftected by the school budget which was effected by the economics. My project was to take two computer carts with twenty computers in each and give two computers to 18 teachers ranging from kinder to 3rd. If the school budget wasnt so limited right now we couldve bought more computers for the classrooms instead of the classrooms only having two computers. I also got to sit in on a staff meeting where the school budget was discussed and how limited it is.

During the course of my internship this topic has really interested me and I would like to look deeper into my internship's school budget and how it fits into the overall San Diego School District Budget. I think that I can look more into it with my honors project.

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