Sunday, March 1, 2009

Honors Blog: The Island of Dr. Moreau

What physical presence does the character have? Include height, weight, size, physical fitness, posture, etc.

  • In the book “The Island of Dr.Moreau”, he is described as a mischapen man, short, broad and clumsy with a crooked back.

Describe the characters further visual details. Include hair, eyes, face, teeth, scars, tattoos, etc

  • M’Ling is described as having black thick coarse hair, big white teeth, bloodshot eyes and hazel pupils and a face that is projected.Later in the book what concerns Edward Prendick is that M’Ling has pointed ears that have fur on them before he thought it was just his black stringy hair that covered his ears but it was actually the hair on his ears.

What distinguishing items does the character wear? Include clothes, jewelery, shoes, and any other physical item the character keeps with him/her.

  • The character is described in the beginning as wearing dark-blue serge.

What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.

  • M’Ling does seem to be cowerdly, and devoted to his master, Montgomery.

What is the characters role in society? Include his/her job, hobbies, and uses of time.

  • What M’ling’s job is, is to be Montgomery’s assistant. I think the purpose of having M’Ling in the book is to have the reader esee the reaction of Edward Prendick when he encounterd his first meeting of one of Dr. Moreau’s creation.

What is the character's religion or philosophy? What beliefs does he/she hold? How does this create or mitigate internal conflict within his/her psyche?

  • M’ling just does what Montgomery tells him to do. M'ling defends montgomery and just basically has his back if something goes wrong

What do others in the book say about the character?

  • Montgomery is sometimes friendly but also sometimes he is somewhat mean to him. Monreau is the one that created him, he was one of the first made. Prendick is very suspicious of him and curious as to what he is.

What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?

  • I didn't really think that he had any connection or history of anything else that goes beyond the story of the book

What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?

  • Well his name is M'ling but I don't know why H.G Wells chooses that name but it does seem to be just an odd name for an odd character.

How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

  • This character doesn't change in appearance but through out book as we learn more of him we learn that he takes orders and that he listens to Montgomery. In the end he does die while defending Montgomery.

What physical presence does the character have? Include height, weight, size, physical fitness, posture, etc.
  • When Monreau is first introduced in the book he is described as having broad shoulders.

Describe the characters further visual details. Include hair, eyes, face, teeth, scars, tattoos, etc.

  • Monreau has white hair, fine forehead, eyes that had droppy lids and the fall of his heavy mouth in the corners gave him an aging look.

What distinguishing items does the character wear? Include clothes, jewelery, shoes, and any other physical item the character keeps with him/her.

  • The character is introduced as wearing a blue serge.

What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.

  • The behavior of Monreau is that he doesn’t seem to like Prendick there in the beginning, he wasn’t supposed to be there.

What is the characters role in society? Include his/her job, hobbies, and uses of time.

  • The characters role in this book was to make the animals into men.
What is the character's religion or philosophy? What beliefs does he/she hold? How does this create or mitigate internal conflict within his/her psyche?

  • Monreau believes that animals can become men and that’s what he trys to accomplish.
What do others in the book say about the character?
  • In the beginning Prendick doesn’t know that the white haired man that he saw Montgomery talking to was Monreau, but later on when he does find out he is concerned with the strange mysteries of the island and its inhabitants.
What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?
  • I think the character, Moreau, is just meant to for the purpose of the book and nothing else of it.

What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?

  • The characters name, Dr. Moreau, obviously suggests that he is a doctor. Moreau possible comes from the last name of Gustave Moreau, whose main focus as a painter was illustrations of biblical and mythological creatures.

How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

  • The character in the beginning is hesitant in having Prendick their coming along with them on the island but then gets used to him. Later in the book we learnm that when Moreau was working on an animal it attacked him Moreau follows after him shortly after with a revolver. Later we learn that Moreau has died.

1. What physical presence does the character have? Include height, weight, size, physical fitness, posture, etc.

  • Montgomery is seen as quite large with long limbs.

2. Describe the characters further visual details. Include hair, eyes, face, teeth, scars, tattoos, etc.

  • Montgomery is described as being a flaxen haired man, a nether lip and irregular teeth.

2. What distinguishing items does the character wear? Include clothes, jewelery, shoes, and any other physical item the character keeps with him/her.

  • Montgomery loves to drink liquor.

3. What distinguishing behavior does the character have? Include habits, preferences (music, food, literature, etc.), speech (sayings, stalling words, etc), and demeanor.

  • Montgomery loves to drink brandy and have it near he also has a lisp.

4. What is the characters role in society? Include his/her job, hobbies, and uses of time.

  • Montgomery seems to make sure that all the animals are in check and that Prendick doesn’t wonder off. Basically I see Montgomery doing all the stuff that Moreau doesn’t do.

6. What is the character's religion or philosophy? What beliefs does he/she hold? How does this create or mitigate internal conflict within his/her psyche?’

  • I think that Montgomery believes that these animals serve a higher purpose.
    What do others in the book say about the character?
    Montgomery is described by Prendick as having a bad temper when pushed over the edge.

8. What connections does this character have to history, established religion or the world beyond the book?
I believe that this character is nothing but a character in this book9. What does the character's name suggest? Authors rarely (if ever) name characters at random. What could the name symbolize? What evidence do you have for this?

  • The characters name suggests, to me, that he is sophisticated.

10. How does the character develop during the plot? How does he/she change?

  • The character turns from being very secretive of what he knows to being very open with Prendick about what he knows. Montgomery eventually dies at the end

The patterns that I know about each character is that they are all together and that they are close. Dr.Moreau is the mastermind, Montgomery is his assistant, and M’Ling is Montgomery’s assistant. The conclusions that I get from this is that they were working for a while together and that they seemed to trust eachother.

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