Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Suing for freedom

Describe a an important Supreme Court case that took place before 1865 in it's historical context--what precedents were set, what impact did they have and what is the case's relevance today?

An important Supreme court case that took place in 1957 was the case of Dred Scott v. Sanford. Dred Scott was a slave that sued for his freedom in 1847. Throughout ten year there were appeals and court reversals, the case was finally bought to the U.S Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court Justice concluded that those of African ancestry, whether they were slaves or not, could not become citizens of the U.S. and therefore Dred Scott couldn't sue for his freedom.

The precedents that I found were set is that this was an example that slaves arent citizens and it was meant that they would never be citizens. I think that this had a great impact because I think that this paved the way for slaves to fight for their rights. I also think this case has an influence on the Civil war. I think that it impacts today because its a case that we look back on and see how we have changed as a country today.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blogicon Reflection

What are you most proud of on your blog? Why?

  • I'm most proud that my stories I have choosen are different. Im most proud of this because I noticed a lot of people have been leaning more on the political side and going towards political news articles since its election time.

What will you improve during future blogs? Why? How?

  • I will improve on making stronger class connections on the articles that I choose. In my first blog I didn't have a strong class connection but after discussing it in class someone made a suggestion. With the suggestion I got I fixed the blog entry so that I would have a stronger class connection.

How can we better connect our blogs?

  • So we could better connect our blogs, as a class, I think that we could have a limited amount of news stories and we choose one of them for our blog topic, thus the class won't have a big cariety of different news stories.
  • I also think that we could connect our blogs more if we were to comment each others blogs more often.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Energetically Wrong

The most interesting thing that I found on factcheck.org is how Sarah Palin said Alaska produced 20% of the U.S. domestic supply of energy. This stood out to me because it seems like she got her information mixed up. I think she was addressing how Alaska produced 14% of the oil from U.S. but instead she said that they produced 20 when in reality Alaska only produced 2.4% of the US energy. I don’t think that this will affect peoples view of Palin by much but some might look down on her.

Energetically Wrong
Fact Check ,Justin Bank

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Merrill Lynch & Company Inc.

Merrill Lynch & Company Inc.
MER: NYSE; Financials/Investment Services
September 15, 2008, New York Times
On Sept. 14, 2008, Merrill announced that it had agreed to be purchased by the Bank of America, rather than run the risk of being pulled under by turmoil surrounding the industry, as Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers had been.
Class Connection:
The class connection I found is that when classmates gave their advice they all were federalist, anti-federalism or neutral. Those who were anti-federalist thought that it would be best for the government to not step in and let the companies work it out. Those who were federalists thought that the government should step in and probably print more money. Those who were neutral thought that they should wait a bit then the government should do something.
Personal Response:
My advice for the Federal Government for solving the current financial issues with Lehman & Merrill Lynch & the stock market is to not do anything. The way I look at it is that it has to get worse before it gets better. I don’t think that the government should change the rules for them at least not now they should wait a bit and if it continues then they could probably change the rules a bit. I don’t think that the government should print more money because I that would just lead to inflation.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9 year old boy gets big surprise

9-Year-Old gets Huge Surprise by: Faith Sidlow, August 16, 2008, CNN News

Thesis- 9 year old wants to be a garbage man when he grows up.
Class Connection: For the American Icon project we had to choose a person who inspired us. I know someone chose fire fighters as a person who inspires them but just like how a fire fighter inspired someone , a garbage man inspired this 9 year old, from Fresno, to be a garbage man when he becomes older because he wants to help the community. My point is that just like how in our class there was a wide range of icons because we were able to choose whoever we wanted, this 9 year old boy wasn’t limited as to who inspired him and who inspired him was a garbage man.
Personal Response: Some were saying how this boy’s parents should encourage him to become a garbage man but I think they are just encouraging him to follow his dreams which I think is ok. Everyone has different dreams and I think that we shouldn’t limit them.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You need experience

Thesis: McCain said experience counts and obama lacks judgements to lead this country.

Class Connection: The class connection I see is McCain is a federalist. I think he's federalist because he says you need experience to run a country. Local governments don't really have any experience to lead a country maybe a state or a city but not a country thus making me think that McCain thinks a strong central government would be better.

Personal Response: I think the country would be better if we were to have a strong central government it would mean we would connect more as a country instead of having every state or city different. I also don't think McCain should be talking about how Obama barely has experience when he choose Palin who doesnt have much experience either.

Monday, September 8, 2008

American Icon Interview: My parents

How do you think you became an icon through your daughter’s eyes?
By being there for her no matter what.
Carlos: I think we are her icon because we are always supportive.

Carlos, how did you feel graduating?
Carlos: I felt I finally accomplished one of my biggest goals; it’s a great feeling when you do.

Carlos, how did you feel about graduating at your age and what’s your advice for people who haven’t graduated from college but want to?
I felt it was important. It doesn’t matter when you finish but how you finish that counts. My advice for those who want to graduate is, do it. Take the step and do it.

Francia, how do you think you inspired your daughter?
I felt I inspired her by encouraging her that she could do whatever she wants to do and that can’t isn’t in her vocabulary.

Who inspires you now and why?
Those individuals that make things happen inspire me. Like those who don’t complain about what there doing and just do it no matter how hard it gets. Those who are not looking for a way out and embrace what’s hard and still doesn’t give up.
Francia: My kids because they try hard in school to be the best not because we tell them to but because they know it’s what’s best for them.
Carlos: Oh and yeah my kids inspire me too, because I want them to do well in my future.

How do you encourage your children to never give up?
Carlos: By telling them when there dreams they die (laughing) I don’t mean physically dieing but I mean spiritually. When your dreams die your basically just a mindless person walking around doing what people ask you to do.

What’s one instance where you encouraged your daughter and it helped a lot?
Francia: Well there have been a lot of instances like when she wanted to come here to HTHMA for an example she didn’t get accepted the first time and he was sad for a bit but we encouraged her to never give up and eventually she got accepted.
Carlos: The were also plenty of times that she wanted to give up on some of her homework but she knew what she needed to do and why and well does it.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Land-use rules designed to fight global warming: revised blog

Thesis: California is on the verge of initiating a historic rewrite of local planning laws, fusing for the first time the issues of urban growth and global warming.
The class connection that I found was that this article connected to common sense article because there changing laws without needing the president. One of the issues that came up in common sense is that the king made laws that he thought was right.
My personal response is best put as how State Sen. Darrell Steinberg puts it,“This bill will change the way California grows.” I think that it will change the way Cali. grows because its making a change of the way that California will work and probably set an example to other states.
August 31, 2008

Blog Entry #1

, Teacher’s Tried in Love Triangle Slaying, September 3, 2008
Thesis: The thesis of this article is “A high school teacher's husband has admitted killing his wife's teenage lover, her former student, but it will be up to a jury to decide if it was premeditation, the heat of passion or an accident.”
Class Connection: I think that this has to do with the Locke and Hobbs thing. I think that this is Hobbes because Hobbes thinks government is necessary which makes sense since we need to punish this guy for killing someone.
Personal Response: I think that this guy doesn’t really deserve up to 25 years in prison. I think that Eric McLean was acting out in rage and that’s what caused him to kill the student his wife was having an affair with.
update: As we were discussing this article in class one of my classmates brought the point up that this also adresses how everyone should have a right to a fair trial just like John Adams thought.