Monday, September 8, 2008

American Icon Interview: My parents

How do you think you became an icon through your daughter’s eyes?
By being there for her no matter what.
Carlos: I think we are her icon because we are always supportive.

Carlos, how did you feel graduating?
Carlos: I felt I finally accomplished one of my biggest goals; it’s a great feeling when you do.

Carlos, how did you feel about graduating at your age and what’s your advice for people who haven’t graduated from college but want to?
I felt it was important. It doesn’t matter when you finish but how you finish that counts. My advice for those who want to graduate is, do it. Take the step and do it.

Francia, how do you think you inspired your daughter?
I felt I inspired her by encouraging her that she could do whatever she wants to do and that can’t isn’t in her vocabulary.

Who inspires you now and why?
Those individuals that make things happen inspire me. Like those who don’t complain about what there doing and just do it no matter how hard it gets. Those who are not looking for a way out and embrace what’s hard and still doesn’t give up.
Francia: My kids because they try hard in school to be the best not because we tell them to but because they know it’s what’s best for them.
Carlos: Oh and yeah my kids inspire me too, because I want them to do well in my future.

How do you encourage your children to never give up?
Carlos: By telling them when there dreams they die (laughing) I don’t mean physically dieing but I mean spiritually. When your dreams die your basically just a mindless person walking around doing what people ask you to do.

What’s one instance where you encouraged your daughter and it helped a lot?
Francia: Well there have been a lot of instances like when she wanted to come here to HTHMA for an example she didn’t get accepted the first time and he was sad for a bit but we encouraged her to never give up and eventually she got accepted.
Carlos: The were also plenty of times that she wanted to give up on some of her homework but she knew what she needed to do and why and well does it.

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