Thursday, September 11, 2008

9 year old boy gets big surprise

9-Year-Old gets Huge Surprise by: Faith Sidlow, August 16, 2008, CNN News

Thesis- 9 year old wants to be a garbage man when he grows up.
Class Connection: For the American Icon project we had to choose a person who inspired us. I know someone chose fire fighters as a person who inspires them but just like how a fire fighter inspired someone , a garbage man inspired this 9 year old, from Fresno, to be a garbage man when he becomes older because he wants to help the community. My point is that just like how in our class there was a wide range of icons because we were able to choose whoever we wanted, this 9 year old boy wasn’t limited as to who inspired him and who inspired him was a garbage man.
Personal Response: Some were saying how this boy’s parents should encourage him to become a garbage man but I think they are just encouraging him to follow his dreams which I think is ok. Everyone has different dreams and I think that we shouldn’t limit them.

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